Short Answer:
Atomic TV is “A Media Maxi-Pad absorbing the continual flow of Pop Culture.” It is bio-degradable and thus may be flushed down any toilet.
Long Answer:
ATOMIC TV is the red-haired, freckle-faced stepchild of Baltimore Public Access TV’s programming family, a breech baby painfully squeezed out of the birthing canal of that negligent mother we call City Cable. Cloven-hoofed and horn-rimmed, this Hell-spawned birth defect had its butt cheeks dutifully slapped by the attending programming authorities upon its debut in 1997 before the bloody mess was handed back to its deadbeat biological fathers, TOM WARNER & SCOTT HUFFINES, its dangling umbilical cord quickly hooked up to coaxial cable for instant reception into the cable community. Often imitated (see LOST AND FOUND VIDEO), rarely surpassed in ineptitude, it remains another chapter in Baltimore’s cultural Hall of Shame, alongside our Holy Trinity heritage of Homicide, Heroin and STDs. An archaic medium in these fast-paced days of High Tech Vodcasting and Broadband Video Streaming, it still has its appeal to our peers in the Great American Economic Underclass. In other words…it’s free! It airs on Baltimore City Cable Channel 75. Despite Freedom of Information requests by the public, its exact broadcast time has not yet been declassified by the authorities. Stay tuned and stay the course. If you don’t have TiVo, we suggest staying up 24/7 to insure you don’t miss a thing.
Related links:
Mayor’s Office of Cable & Communications (MOCC)
Baltimore Update (Public Access TV Forum)
Baltimore Grass Roots Media
Baltimore Public Access Channel 75’s Random Schedule
Would you buy furniture from a store called, “Unpainted Huffhines”?
I remember being held up sick, unable to sleep, but good medicine was available in Atomic TV. It was a brazen delight. Who would ever thought, after letting things like Sony Bono’s ad warning teenagers against weed, packed with one TV fragment after another settle for a while, then played in rapid succession, and I think, at times, a near surrealistic editing? There had been a murder a block away, someone held up in the parking lot next to where I lived. My apartment had grated windows. But what reassurance to know that somewhere out there was able to make some sense of it, after all.
Missing Atomic TV as I now do, is there a place I might purchase complete dvd’s.